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washing and waxing...

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gahh anyone know how to dry a car without leaving the spots all over? Im a newb at this, when applying the wax you rub it on in a circular motion? I applied wax to hood and backside of the car. next day it rained and then there were spots all over! it gets pretty darn tiring.
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You can't avoid the spots. If it rains then the water will leave spots especially if the car is dusty or dirty at the time. A waxed car will bead the water and make possibly more spots than a no waxed car, but the surface will at least be protected from damage. Just don't park near sprinklers where you run the risk of getting hit with hard water and then having the sun bake them into your paint and etch you clear coat. That is never fun.


Waxing can be done a number of ways. Circles are fine. Straight lines are fine. The old "wax on-wax off" technique we learned from the Karate Kid isn't exactly accurate. You should wax the entire vehicle and then go back over it and buff it all off. You need to let the wax dry for at least a few minutes before you go buffing it off. If you don't let it dry then all you'll accomplish is smearing wax all over the place.


I've got some good detailing tips and tricks on www.ocdetails.com if you want to take a peek. I'm in the process of writing a sort of dumbed down version of the detailing guide that is focused on the hobbiest detailer who will be shopping locally for products to use. I just need the chance to test a couple more items and then I can finish it up. The techniques are the same no matter what products you use, so these articles may still help you. :)


“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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