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Which wideband o2


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What wideband would you guys suggest. I want to use it to tune my lgt and if possible my 2006 boulevard c90. I am opensourced tuned romraider on the lgt (Thanks infamous1). I have been looking at the inovate lm-2 but on there forums the reviews do not sound so good and I doesnt look like it works well on romraider.


Is there another brand that works better and is it possible to move it from my car to my bike?

Help I just got my k&N typhoon for my car and itsme's fmic and before I get them installed I would really like to see what my afr's are doing!!!

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I have the Innovate LM-1 and it works great, super easy to install (no splicing), it is portable unit if you need it to be and it interfaces with romraider. So when you log, it shows up as an additional parameter. The only downside is that the brain is about the size of a brick...I keep it full time in my glovebox, wired to the cig lighter.
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So the Lm-2 works with RR great! I know the Lm-2 is the new version from the Lm-1, but it sounds like there are still some bugs with the Lm-2 or is that just with the rpm converter feature that doesn't work so well? I guess that is not a big deal if it is now supported with RR.
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I just bought an AEM UEGO but haven't tried it yet... but two of my friends run it. One friend has it on his 500whp STI and another used it on his 515whp supercharged cobra so I took their word on it.


Another note I have heard about the innovative is that it seems to need pretty frequent calibration in comparison to the UEGO. Just my .02 here.

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My Innovate LC-1 has been good. Had to calibrate it once.


+1 on the LC-1, been happy with mine. I calibrate it about every 3-4 months. I have mine hardwired and permanently installed though, not sure how the setup would work going back and forth from bike to car.

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The gauge type AEM is a royal PITA to install as both wiring harnesses (sensor wires and all others) do not separate from the gauge. If you just want to throw it on your dash or wherever, temporarily, then it shouldn't be a big deal, but I wouldn't want to remove it often from a more permanent mount. The AEM does not require calibration. I run the gauge type AEM UEGO within romraider's logger without issue. To do this you do have to connect a serial connector to the appropriate wire on the aem harness but that's not difficult. The LM1 already has this serial port I think. It's huge but it's still a great choice if you're going to swap the sensor to multiple vehicle.


I assume you'll need one with a gauge to read the afr, especially if you want to use it on your bike. The LC1 does not have a gauge but you can purchase one seperately. THe LM1 brick has a display built in.

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