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Momo/Subaru Shit Knob stuck


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Hey I was just trying to do an easy upgrade, and it has turned into a pain in the neck. To take off the momo/subaru shift knob you just take the leather off the bottom of the knob and unscrew right?


Well I unscrewed it, now it keeps turning, but doesn't come off. It won't screw in either. I can move it up and down a little.



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Lefty-loosey, righty-tighty?
[URL="http://legacygt.com/forums/showthread.php/proper-flip-key-interesti-159894.html"]Flip Key Development Thread[/URL] "Genius may have its limitations, but stupidity is not thus handicapped." - E. Hubbard
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on a serious note. i just bought a cobb sts from a member here and his momo knob got stuck on that shifter too... i havnt received it to try and free it but he says it also just sits there and free spins without coming off or tighening... im thinking it cross threaded but who knows... i might throw it in a vise and see if my skinny self can get that bad boy off lol

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Come on it's a shift knob not a lower ball joint!:lol:


You sound like you've given up already. See if you can get something like a pickle fork,slide it under the knob and give it a few taps. Don't go crazy with the wacking. If your knob is really that stuck you might wack the shifter out of it's socket. Cover the console with a few towels so you don't go messing that up.

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i dont need it off tho... look at my thread in interior/audio it intalled fine looks great and dosnt budge... unless your talking to the OP?


Yes i meant the OP, sorry.

But you also said "couldnt get it off for the life of me...its on there for good". Guess in my head i started combining the both of you.:lol:

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