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Feeler: Photoshoot DFW


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Area would be likely Samson Park/downtown .. I'd like to drive around more and find some good areas that I can get too without going over 45mph :) hehe


Here was the latest with me and Dan at Samson Park



I'd like to get a small list of people who'd be willing to come out.. and what days/times are good for you? I'm not a photographer nor have a super high end camera but it would be nice to get together for a shoot.


If I am the one taking all the pictures I'll host them on my photobucket account and link everyone involved.


I'll start the list with myself.. Thinking about a 6 car max for now.


1. Kevin (frkkevin) 3pm-10pm Sun-Thur .. Fri after 3pm+ or anytime Sat






512whp/465ftlb 2005 5EAT Legacy (Build Log)

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I'd be up for a photoshoot if we can do something on a sunday. I even have an amazing photographer on staff at the shop. But what about something in Grapevine/Flower Mound area?



My car can't go that far.. I only have 3 gears.. I mean I could.. but it sure would take a while hehe.. If hes really good I'd be down to pay for the trouble of driving down here :)

512whp/465ftlb 2005 5EAT Legacy (Build Log)

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Here are a few samples of Brandon's work.





It would probably be easier for you to just go to http://www.facebook.com/pages/BLaJoie-Photography/203474721879?ref=share and check out some of his work.


You can contact Brandon at blajoie@cougarmail.ccccd.edu or call him at 214.697.4082 (or PM Mr. Brandon on NASIOC)

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