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Rotors that won't warp...


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I really like PosiQuiet pads for the street. I had HPS pads, and the PosiQuiets are far better - lower noise, better bite, less fade, less dust. I got my pads and rotors from R1Concepts at http://store.r1concepts.com/store/search.aspx?key=av09874&submit=Search; $78 for pads and $185 for slotted rotors for all 4 corners is a very good price. I went with slotted rotors primarily for the anti-corrosion plating; the blanks are not plated. I've been using them for 9 months and there's not a speck of rust.



would these work on 05+?


i see that they are for 02's

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would these work on 05+?


i see that they are for 02's


05 Legacy got ripped off- 'RS' sized rotors in front.


06+ got the much bigger/beefier/ front rotors - same pads though.


It's all new in the rear for 05+ - Centric (who supply MANY) make it in premium rotors - and the pads coem in either posi-quiet ceramic - or posi quiet semi met.


Posi - Quiet is a good 'shop pad' And be careful - there are three flavors. Ceramic/Semi metallic - and extended Wear - which I am not sure wtf that means.


I stock most of it.

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Either way - drive the same way and you'll be back to this.


Stop overheating whatever pads you have - and stop keeping your foot on the pedal when they are hot. The combination of those 2 acts is making you drive yourself nuts.


No - rotors do NOT usually warp - adn if they do get distorted it is USUALLY caused by one or more type situations


Caliper froze and rotor overheated super fast and cooled super unevenly


(Basically - rotors are gray iron - very good/cheap at what they do. But overheating - overly fast heating - overly uneven heating - or soem combination of those things - or those things in reverse - can in fact warp/overdeposit or distort the rotor.


Cliff notes


You have small brakes on a heavy car that you consistently overheat and thus you have brake problems


I've been over this with other people. I do know how to use the brakes. I know how to brake smoothly, and I'm not clueless. My dad also knows how to properly use the brakes. Both now, and when it was my dad's car, this problem occurred. It has not happened with any other vehicle. It's probably a result of shitty pad material, but it's definitely not my driving style...

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It was not a machanic that told me this. I actually read on a post or 2 some where here on the board. Excuss me if I am wrong All of you gus are making perfect sence. Forgive me for automatically coming off as a mr. know-it-all, I apoligize.


I can believe some one if they say we dont have the best rotors at all. Is any body on hear 100% on this being a deposite issue?

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From what I've read on the forum, removing deposits can be done by breaking in the pads again. Can someone confirm this?


Yes. I went through that cycle 3-4 times with the pads and rotors that came with the car.

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My brakes on my 05 were pulsating. I had the rotors turned, didnt touch the pads. Problem went away. If the warped feeling is from the pads, please explain how the stationary pads could cause a pulsating feeling. I read the stoptech article, but it still seems strange to me. So why do shops turn rotors? Is les schwab scamming millions everyday?


The pads leave deposits on the rotors. It's my understanding that the worst scenario for this is coming to a complete stop with the brakes engaged, when the pads and rotors are hot. Pad material bonds to the rotors after the wheels stop turning. Then you left off the brakes, and the pads mostly come off the rotors, except the stuff that got baked onto the rotors. Next time you decelerate, you feel a pulse every time the deposits pass under the pads.


If you do enough hard braking without coming to a complete stop, the deposits get cooked up and scraped off, and braking becomes smooth again. If you come to a halt with the brakes applied, you start over.


Shops turn rotors because it makes the problem go away. Whether this is a scam depends on whether you'd rather spend the time and money to have your rotors turned, versus just finding a good place to do a lot of hard braking.

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