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Driver side mirror shaking

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While not common, I've had the same problem on my '05 Legacy and my '02 Impreza.


The mirror is probably losing whatever keeps it in place. Is it easier to fold that mirror than the passenger side?


Anyway, the solution was to replace the mirror assembly.

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I was fortunate in both cases that it happened early enough to be covered under warranty. When it happened on my Legacy as well, I thought it was a common problem to Subarus, but it seems it was more just an anomaly that I had two cars it happened to. I had only seen one other Suby when I worked at a dealer with the same problem. Strangely, that one came straight off the truck with a floppy mirror.


But to be clear, it's the whole folding mirror assembly that is loose, right?

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The mirror assembly is tight and on this model it does not fold back. I would like a folding mirror, but not sure if I can replace it with one.


So it is just the mirror that wobbles back and forth and it seems to be only at a high rate of speed, like over 65ish from what I can tell.

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