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For those of you on the fence about the Agency Power exhaust...


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...I was on the fence about burnt titanium tips also. I just recently found a good deal on a used Agency Power 3" Catback, but hated the way the tips looked on this exhaust. I found on http://forums.evolutionm.net/evo-x-how-tos-installations/385381-refinishing-titanium-exhaust-tips.html that burnt titanium exhaust tips can be polished with regular metal polish to get rid of the burnt look. I used Mother's metal and chrome polish with a terry cloth, and here are my results:








As you can see, directly from the side, the exhaust still slightly has the burnt look, but from behind, you can't much tell it apart from stainless. So if you want the Agency power without the Titanium look, here is your solution ;)


By the way, this exhaust sounds exceptional.

On the search for a new DD...
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