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Bringin it home from another state


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Okay guys...


so i'm finally nearing the day where i pick up my first subie and LGT. It's a used one, and since i take so many trips to NH (and I don't know why, maybe it's the increase in snow up there) the on-the-market LGT seems to be far more abundant up there than here.


I'm in NY, and I'll be buying the car from a dealer in NH. Now the question I have for you guys to help out with is: what do I have to do, in terms of EVERYTHING from registration at pick-up, insur. policy... if theres any other fees... etc. Pretty much anything you can think of, help me out.


I've been totally swamped with work, not much time to research this myself lately. I'm taking some time off to get this whole thing underway soon...


any info is much appreciated ;)

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I went through this with a car from CT this summer (im NY as well). I can tell you Youll need 1) title, 2) bill of sale 3) dealer invoice.


The title must me signed dated and all by both parties with NO signs of tampering.. NY DMV wont allow a registered vehicle with a tampered Title (saw some guy turned away yesterday for trying to register w/ a tampered title)


The Bill of Sale must be filled out to go along with the title..not much more to say about that.


The Dealer Invoice is necessary for a car bought from a registered dealer. I didnt have one at first and had to go back and get one (rather nervewracking) before i could getm y GT registered.


Also, I didnt mention...make sure you print NY registration sheet off from the internet and fill it out. Dealer (i think has some information to fill out) so its good to bring since your out of state.


I put plates from another car on to drive home, but its probably better to get temporary plates or do all of the paperwork and get plates before pickup, as my method was somewhat illegal.


If its a legit dealer, you shouldnt have a problem doing all this. But once the car is in your posession and registered, you have 10 days to get a NYS inspection before your temporary inspection runs out. After that, you should be all set. Hope this helps!! Where in NY are you located?

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okay cool... pretty much the same when i changed my truck from NY to FL registration.


Thanks a ton BagheeraLGT- one more thing, did you just wait to insure it when you got it home and registered?


I'm out on the Island, I live in Center Moriches-but i trek out to Farmingdale (Republic Airport) every day, for work. What about you?


thanks again!

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I went ahead and had it insured first. I figured it would help my cause if i was insured just in case I got pulled over and the authorities found out that I was driving a car illegally. I could argue..... well im not registered yet, but am insured and am just driving the car home untill i can get it registered.


Im up in dutchess county (845). My pops grew up in valley streams. I was down on the island doing a couple job interviews and working for a contractor in MT Vernon last summer, so am very use to taking the hutch down, throgsneck.....cross county/LIE.... traffic sucks, but im sure its gotta be fun living down there.

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alright... cool. I'm guessing i'm gonna have to find a new insurer, the one i have is based in FL or GA... they think i'm still in college down there. I've been thinking about going with a 'big-name' like allstate or progressive... i heard Geico is a BITCH to deal with on accident claims... I'm sure everyones got their stories tho...


I've flown into Po-town (poughkeepsie) like 300x haha... i LOVE flying up there this time of year, its beautiful. even moreso when the snow starts falling.


I feel for you on that drive, it abso-f***ing-lutely sucks, I cant stand the way ppl drive up there... come to think of it, I hated FL drivers too... maybe its me haha. Despite the LIE and NY-27, I do love it here, I got sights (NYC), sun, snow, the water nearby... everything i need.


oh yea, and the fishings awesome lol

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i bet man, good to hear. As far as an insurer, you gotta go with who you like, or think would be best. Honestly, i wasnt rly involved with that as the car is under my dads name. I do know that we called earlier in the week to set up insurance and had it activated for the day we were picking it up.


Im only like 30 mins from Po-town...prolly home of NYs worst strip club T&A- $40 dances from some straight busted girls....i mean they were hurting. easy ID policy, tho. Im glad we agree tht the island sucks to drive on, but what else can ya expect from a town with so many ppl.


Once you get your leggy, R rev is a vendor on this forum who has some cool products. I actually drove down to LI to meet him for a Fiberglass grille. Jason is a cool guy and great to do business with. They have a great line of Carbon Fiber products and some other goodies too.

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