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Dealer learnings

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Another winfall for me.......My buddy just left Mazda and took a job as the manager of the Subaru Dealership I go to. SWEET. Anywho, onto the meat....


Things I learned and misconceptions I might break:

1) The dealer CAN NOT reprogram your remote to unlock all doors with one click of the button. They tried everything. You can only hack the wires to get this to work!


2) The dealer could NOT detect my AP with what they were do'n and using! (Which I am not aware of, they just came back and said they couldn't tell)


It's awesome when the manager asks when am I gonna put in my DP and flash to stage 2 so he can get a ride...LOL....puts a lil warmth in my heart!

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2) The dealer could NOT detect my AP with what they were do'n and using! (Which I am not aware of, they just came back and said they couldn't tell)


It's awesome when the manager asks when am I gonna put in my DP and flash to stage 2 so he can get a ride...LOL....puts a lil warmth in my heart!



^^^ right.... it's just his way of saying "let me know once u've moded your car and I shall send you VIN to SoA." ;)

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Thanks for the "remote" detail. Sure would have liked the one touch operation. Damm!


I agree, I hate the 2 click, my woman is always yell'n at me to get the damn doors open....I'm like I am, I am.....stupid double click :rolleyes:


Anyway it can still be done, just gotta do some wire work


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Guest *Jedimaster*
I agree, I hate the 2 click, my woman is always yell'n at me to get the damn doors open....I'm like you got another donkey punch coming woman!

Good solution :eek:

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