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compliation of noise levels for aftermarket exhausts


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Is there a thread that lists the decibel levels of the various cbe's? I thought I saw a listing of exhausts ranked from quietest to the loudest, but now that I need it I can't find it. I am upgrading my 07 spec b. I like the sound of the agency pwer cbe, but can't really tell how loud it really is. I want to maintain or enhance the boxer rumble, louder than stock, an attention getter, but don't wan to have to worry about driving through a town with a noise ordinance. From what I have been able to see, it seems any exhaust around 90 db is "street legal".
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I'd go with the Perrin system, I believe everyone's opinion is that is is the loudest. I personally think it sounds the best. I 've had it for almost three years and I had no fitment problems, leaks, or any need to adjust. It's hard to tell what kind of fitment you would get. Alot of people haven't been happy with some of the craftsmenship. Oh and no police man gonna say anything about it being loud. I live in Lafayette I can't imagine it would be any different down there.
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I have the HKS Silent Hi Power and really enjoy it! I will say that it is a significantly louder than stock. That being said the stock exhaust is virtually silent. The HKS Silent Power is relatively quiet considering that it is a full 3" system with 4" resonated exits. The quality of the exhaust itself is incredible!


I will be honest and say that going from the stock exhaust system, and never having a performance CBE before that the HKS was a little too droney for my liking. The drone in car at highway speeds could be pretty annoying. So I took the car to my audio shop and had the trunk/rear seats Dyna-matted to deaden the harshness of the CBE. After the trek to the audio shop the HKS Silent Power is awesome!!! I wasn't prepared for the difference to be as drastic as it was, just my .02, good luck in your search for your perfect CBE!

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