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Searching For Late Model Legacy GT, Advice?

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Hello everyone!

I'm new to the forum, looking for a new car for my wife.

We were involved in an accident a few days ago (rear ended), and we believe the car is going to be totaled. Her car is a 2003 VW Jetta GLI VR6 six-speed manual, leather, moonroof, heated seats/mirrors, lowered on 18's, etc.


We have been considering late model VW GTIs and Audi A3s but we have been reading a lot of negative comments about reliability of the late models.

So the Legacy GT is something that seems to fit in to her needs. Decent power, fun to drive (so I hear), decent interior room, somewhat sporty without attracting lots of attention. Also a plus is the great sound with an exhaust (loved that VR6 with a magnaflow).


At this point we haven't found any GTs locally, just standard Legacies. I plan to drive some of the standard version once I'm able to move around a bit more, still very sore from the wreck. I would love to hear feedback (good or bad) from anyone who owns a late model Legacy GT.


What do you like/dislike, what do you love?

How sluggish is the automatic if we can't find a manual?

How is the reliability? Any common engine/drivetrain problems or things to look out for?

What is the maintenance schedule like?

Does the 2.5L turbo have a timing belt or chain? If it is a belt, when is it due for replacement?

Does the standard GT Limited have a limited slip in the rear? Is it clutch based? I'm assuming only the spec.b has a torsen rear differential?


Thanks again for the help guys!

For reference, we are looking in the $20-25k price range. Autotrader searches shows that 08-09s with 10-20k miles fall into that category.

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One more thing.

While I hadn't considered new 09's, maybe I should? I don't know about markup and incentives on new 09's but I'm wondering if they may get close to my price range.

And yes, I am searching the forums to answer my questions and find similar posts but I would really appreciate some first hand experience.

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If you buy the 2.5GT instead of the 2.5i, power will not be an issue, no matter what trans you choose. If you want more, you can modify the car to your budget and preferences, and it will be even faster.


Like every car, it has its idiosyncrasies, but overall it is a very good and practical car. Any and all of your questions have been answered across the forum, which you can search through very easily using a search function such as the one I typed here into google http://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Alegacygt.com+buying+advice&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a


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When not sure, search via google or with this forum's search function :)

[CENTER][B][I] Front Limited Slip Racing Differentials for the 5EAT now available for $1895 shipped, please inquire for details! [/I][/B][/CENTER]
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Thanks for the reply, ClimberD.

Somehow I totally overlooked the pre-purchase forum! I'm going to blame it on the lack of sleep and pain killers. :lol: Haven't slept much since the wreck and I've been stressed out about not being able to work, worrying about finding another car.

If a moderate would like to move the thread I would appreciate it.


I'm still searching through old threads to answer questions. One of the 08 LGT's I found online for a pretty good price has an accident on history. While I normally would not consider buying a wrecked car, I'm trying to dig up any info I can on it with the accident report number. The only info carfax shows is "Involving left side impact, Left side primarily damage".

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The moderators don't move a whole lot of threads to the proper places. This section is full of new member questions, and they just fade to the back along with everything else.


as a rule of thumb, no buying wrecked cars. Some things just can't be fixed. But if it's just too good, take it to the most experienced mechanic or two in your area and have them look it over to make sure it's okay. Also drive it and an identical one to feel/see/hear any differences.

[CENTER][B][I] Front Limited Slip Racing Differentials for the 5EAT now available for $1895 shipped, please inquire for details! [/I][/B][/CENTER]
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