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reverse lights

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I know a lot of us when with a pair of 14V 35W ERD Projector bulbs. They fit our car and are noticeably brighter. Not substantially brighter, but it's noticeable. They also make a 55W bulb (I believe), but I know a couple of guys tried them and had problems. I think they ended up melting the connector. The 35W bulbs get hot too, but I don't think they will melt anything unless you leave the car in reverse for a long time.





Check out these 2 threads.


I live in a DARK area, with 20% tint, and the bulbs helped out. Sometimes I still have to roll down the window, though.


Edit: I believe these are them: http://cgi.ebay.com/ERD-14V-35W-PROJECTOR-LAMP-BULB-Beseler-Slide-Filmstrip_W0QQitemZ110346548365QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item19b12ab48d&_trksid=p3286.m20.l1116


Yep, they're actually from the same seller I bought mine from.


Edit2: You can also check out LEDs: http://www.legacygt.com/forums/showthread.php?t=118040&highlight=reverse+LED

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If you got the tint so dark that you can't see the reverse lights then I would think your tails are a bit too dark...You could cut out the reverse part. But if you really want to get new bulbs, my advice would be to get led bulbs. They are rather pricey (about 40-50 bucks for 2 bulbs---something I wouldn't pay for reverse lights and I'm an LED freak lol). Good luck with this issue and keep us informed!
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Mount a pair of projector fog lights as supporting reverse lights.


If you mount them under the rear bumper and paint them black (except for the lenses) they shouldn't be that visible.


Just make sure that the cabling will be able to take on the current that they can draw.

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