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Alarm Installers in MA?


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I would usually do this myself, but I've started reading more on the subie and the wiring sounds a little more challenging. This is the first time I've seen diodes mentioned, and also it sounds like the trunk pop feature is a little different.


Anyone know of.. or can do installs that are more comfortable with this? It's just slightly out of my own comfort zone and my laziness that I may not really need this. I just would love to inquire with someone and see what they'd want for their time/expertise. There's a number of alarms out there, but I don't really need anything fancy.. heck, I could even pick up one that I've done on a lot of cars.. just again, not so sure of how weird this subie wiring is going to be.


Thanks guys!

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Yeah, that's the problem.. pricey. I know of a few people that do GREAT work.. unfortunately it'll leave me at minimum $600 into the hole.. which is exactly what I don't want.


If I do all the hard work myself, a good alarm unit is around $200 for a 2 way pager with all the pieces I need. I don't need a spectacular unit with fancy gps or color cameras.... but labour costs are pretty high to put in the alarm.


Part of the reason why I really wonder if this car "needs" it since it's so "normal". I really don't stand to lose much in terms of my car/investment if it gets stolen... but autostart in the winter is always nice.

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i think the chances of it getting stolen are pretty slim considering that it has an immobilzer? unless that can be easily overcome, but i don't know much about stealing cars.


but break-ins are always a worry still


and yes, autostart in the winter is handy

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Yeah, I was just about to buy all the electronics and then I decided to pull up the wiring diagram for this LGT.. then I stopped for a sec when I saw it is a little more complicated than all the ones I've done before.


I've heard weird things like they could still drive the car for XXX blocks or XXX time even with a dummy key, and some stories where it just doesn't even start....


So, yeah, autostart in winter is nice.... :) And theft deterrent a bonus. How's MD treating you? Funny cuz I saw your GF today when I was dropping something off at her work.

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