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Scuffed alloy rim on 2009 Legacy SE

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I'm ready to kick my own ass. My car is less than a month old and I scuffed one of my stock alloy rims while misjudging a curb while i was parking. Can anyone tell me if it's repairable and how much it would cost to fix? If not, how much a replacement would be?


Thanks much,



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Read this tutorial.



The hardest is to get a paint that matches your rim because I don't even think anyone even makes touch-up paint for silver Subaru rims. After that it's quite easy if you are meticulous and have good patience.


It takes a lot of time but you will save a lot of money by doing it yourself instead of having it done.

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Sucks, I know the feeling. I was coming home from work a couple of months ago, and got too close to a curb heading toward the on-ramp to the interstate.




Bloody hell. First time I've ever done that.

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