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Options for Mufflers/Catback for 2.5i


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I just got a 2.5i, no GT for me unfortunately but to me this car is just too quiet, and even with a M/T it's still boring so I want to mod this car at least a little bit.

I know power gains are going to be practically absent but I didn't buy this car for the power in the first place so whatever.

I was looking at the Cobb or Perrin muffler kits, both companies said they would fit the 2.5i just fine, but I wanted to know what else is out there. I've heard of people having alignment/fitment problems with the Perrin cans, don't know about cobb though.

Any information would be helpful.

Btw. It's a lease, so I can't really do a whole lot, but I plan on giving all the parts to my sister after the lease is up because she just got an 09 2.5i as well but bought it.


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