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my first auto-x...


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ROUGH! :lol: actually it was an auto-x school and it was fun and i learned alot. i learned there are alot of things i have to work on such as steering into and through a tight corner, left foot braking, and trail braking. i learned that me and the "proper seating position" don't mesh very well!! i don't know when ill get out to do a school again, as i would like to do a few more be4 i attempt an event. all in all probably the best money i've spent in a long time.



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Very nice! How much did it cost? How was the day laid out (classroom time, instruction time, prac time)?

$40 for the school $55 for the school and the auto-x that was sunday. was laid out rather well, classroom time was the morning session, then lunch, then instruction time where the instructors rode with us for a few runs then i let the instructor drive my car, and to end the day we got to do solo runs. i thought it was very well laid out. i kinda got screwed b/c i was in the 2nd run group and we didn't get to make near as many runs as the first run group b/c they wanted to get people solo time. i think one guy in the first group got 5 runs and i only got 2 driving and 1 with my instructor driving.



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Do you use your own car or do they ask you to use theirs?

everyone uses their own car. only down side is mostly any mods done bumps you outta stock class. my sts bumped me to street prepared. however, since im novice i really only compete against novice. there is a another school on the 19th in Raleigh, but i doubt i'll make that as ill probably be hungover and recovering from the 18th!



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