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Strange Clicking Near Front RH Caliper.


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Yeah. So, the topic pretty much describes it. I think it might just be the brake pads so I'm going to replace those this week if I have time. Otherwise, it's very strange. It'll click when I hit my brakes or slow down abruptly (IE: downshift) and it will click again when I accelerate. It is most certainly coming from the front RH area of the car.


When I had the wheel off last weekend, I could recreate, although not as loud or hard as when I normally drive, the noise by moving the rotor back and forth. Its just a very light but noticeable single click noise. *shrugs*


Anyone had this happen to them? Any ideas of other places to look?

My 9.3 cups EJ22 makes me feel like my **** is 2.8 decimeters!
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I have a clicking noise under light braking. I have been told it is from at one time the lug nuts being too loose and the wheel studs go bad and have to be replaced. Not sure if that is something you have had happen.


But thats my two cents!

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Speaking of two cents, I very seriously doubt that this story has anything to do with the noises either of you are experiencing, but I was doing some brake work on my Charger (in the avatar) last summer after hearing some clicking sounds coming from the left front wheel. I've had this car since 1985, and had occasionally heard some odd sounds from the area, but they always went away after one or two occurrences during a drive, and I couldn't replicate them in the garage. Anyway, as I disassembled it, the brake drum came off the wheel flange, which it shouldn't do. The studs are pressed through the drum and it should all come off as a unit. As it happened, a barely recognizable penny fell out. Then another. In the end, I found that a previous owner had used ten pennies, one glued to each side of each of the five studs, as a spacer to get what was an improper drum to fit the wheel without interference. I guess necessity is the mother of invention, but this one takes the cake! I picked up a proper wheel assembly from my local car nut's boneyard, but I figured after over two decades of enjoying this machine, I never thought I'd come across something like that!
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^^ Haha. Nice. That is super strange. How funny. As far as the lugs being loose, I really don't know. They sure seem tight to me. I thought it might be a missing washer or something due to my recent suspension change. But, every time I take the wheel off, everything looks perfectly fine. I'm just gonna have to pull the whole thing apart this weekend and see what I can find. Otherwise, if worse comes to worse, I'll have SR take a look at it when I take my car in for a turbo tune (hopefully some time soon if I can find the time.)
My 9.3 cups EJ22 makes me feel like my **** is 2.8 decimeters!
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Any play in the wheel? Side to side or up and down play may mean you have a bad tie rod or ball joint. A noise similar to what you describe may be produced if it's bad enough.
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As far as I can tell, no play in the wheel at all. And I've given it some pretty rough testing. I will certainly double check that possibility though. Thanks!
My 9.3 cups EJ22 makes me feel like my **** is 2.8 decimeters!
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