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02 lgt whine

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I've seen one other post on this issue, but I don't think it's the same problem.


I just got an 02 LGT about a month ago and it's making a noise when I turn the wheel. It's a grind or a whine kind of sound. At first I thought it was the power steering, the fluid's fine and there's no loss of steering - so that's not it. I opened the hood and had a listen and it appears to be coming from the alternator. My only question is what does turning have to do with the alternator that it wouldn't make that noise during other operations? (Headlights, things like that) And what could the problem be as the alternator isn't completely kaput.


I am taking it in tomorrow, but just looking for maybe an advance theory as everyone I know has given me doomsday scenarios more than anything. And of course the "why did you get a Subaru?" thing. lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

So it's finally been diagnosed and it turned out to be the power steering pump is dead. Unfortunately it's nothing the import dealer could have known about in advance of my purchase - so I hold nothing against him. He did offer to have it fixed for about $300 bucks less than the actual Subaru dealer through a buddy of his, but I think I'm going to go with the Subaru dealer on this one. New parts and a guarantee seem to outweigh going back after a year or two with the same problem for another pile of money.


Sorry for posting this so late - I found this out a few days ago. I've just been busy.

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