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Gas leak


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Well, Wednesday (23rd) with only 560 miles on the car (still sporting the paper tags), my Legacy wouldn't start, when I attempted to leave for work. After trying various methods to start the car, I started smelling fuel. Found out that it was a bad fuel leak under the car. Ended up being a fuel line that was not properly connected from the factory, and had worked itself loose.


Dealer did take care of me with a rental car for the approx 36 hr period that they had my car. They were helpful and quick - fixed the problem and cleaned up my car before I picked it up (with no trace or order of gas fumes).


Dealer was helpful, but that's more than I can say for the Roadside assistance people. After repeating the mileage to them 3 times they finally got it right. They kept repeating 560 and asking me if it was 560 thousand miles. Hmmm... I suppose that would be a neat trick on a 2005 model. Then, they tell me my VIN number is not valid. My reply was "I'm reading it right off the sales contract." To which they reply, "We still don't show that to be valid sir. Please call the dealership and verify the VIN." Of course, I had a better idea - I went outside and verified my paperwork against the actual VIN plate on the car. Well, when I called Roadside assistance back, they told me again that the VIN was not valid. I then asked them how long it took to get my VIN in their system, and mentioned to them for about the 3rd time, that I'd had the car less than 2 weeks. That's when I got just about the worst response someone working for a service company can ever give, which was, "I don't know." Not, 'let me check', or 'hold while I ask a supervisor', but a flat "I don't know." I guess when I hear that as an excuse, I take it as - I don't know and I'm either to stupid or lazy to try to find out. And to top it off, when I asked them (and when I say them, I mean her), to contact my dealer and work it out, they flatly refused and told me to do it.


I'm glad to have my car back, but I don't have much faith left in Subaru's quality control and I have no faith in the competence of the Roadside assistance personnel - I would have gotten better service from automated voice messaging... :mad:


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