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Anybody encounter this problem with AP Manager?


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I just received some e-tunes that I wanted to put on my AP and then obviously onto my legacy. I figured while doing so I may as well update my firmware and the latest version of AP manager so I can data log using the AP. Downloaded the firmware updates and the newest manager.


Anyways, now when I open AP manager it opens and quickly shuts down. I can keep it open by having the "windows task manager" open but once I click ok to the preferences it closes and I am unable to upload any maps to the AP. I am using Windows XP.


Any ideas on a course of action?

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no work on the uninstall reinstall.....did it a million times before I posted (different versions even). Turned out that the maps I had were making the manager throw-up...or close down. So when I took the new maps out of ap manager by going into the file (after a nice search) where they are stored, ap manager immediately started working.


They were PDX maps just received from Jarrad....not his fault though, apparently YAHOO has some kind of encoding/compression it places on items downloaded using the "download all" function. I downloaded the maps individually and presto they worked. Odd!


Moral of the story....Yahoo sucks

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