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CF Cubby Pod (stealth)


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I'm going to attempt to make a carbon fiber stealth cubby pod for the center cubby. This will be my first attempt at anything like this, and I was wondering if anyone had any tips for me. Oh btw, I plan on it being a dual 52mm gauge pod, want to keep it stealth. This will also be my first time working with CF, I can get it from work so ill have help there. I'm thinking its gonna be flat ( gauges won't be angled tward driver) unless i can figure out some way to make a good mold.


I haven't really started this project yet, but like I said if I could get any help that would be great. ie measurements, way to make a mold for angled gauges.



If it turns out well I'm DEFINATELY considdering selling these if ppl are interested. Plus if I get some help...Ill prolly give some too the ppl who helped me for free (plust shipping of corse :rolleyes:)



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