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No heat, and temp gauge jumps

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Hello, Although the problem doesn't lie with my legacy, I hope someone can help. My 2003 Baja is having a problem with overheating. Occasional the heat will stop working and just blow cold air, no matter where you put the temp selector. At this time the engine temp gauge will start to rise well above normal, it dosn't make it to the red but close. This will only happen for about ten seconds, and then the heat will return and the engine temp will return to normal. This happened once in the fall, but the last week it has happend twice. The coolent level is not below the low line, but its close to it. I put more in it today, but I don't want there to be a bigger problem. If anyone has any sugestions, it would be much appresheated.



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Yeah, probably a sticking thermostat. Your losing heat because if the thermo don't open then you don't get any flow through the heater core, and being winter, the core is cooling off rapidly. Definitely replace the thermostat and since your going to drain the coolant anyways, you may as well replace that too. Good time to inspect your hoses and clamps.
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Either thermostat, or maybe air in the coolant lines causing the coolant to stop flowing (Water pumps suck at pumping air), the temp guage to fluctuate (no longer immersed in hot coolant, therefore measuring the temp of the air pocket) and the heater core to stop heating the air coming through your dashboard.


Check your coolant level by taking the radioator cap completely off - should be able to see the coolant right up to the level of the overflow tank connection. If it's low then add coolant slowly to to the radiator until you can see it. Run the engine and squeeze the coolant hoses to help work any air bubble outs. Once the level stops falling then put the cap back on, fill the overflow tank and keep an eye on the level.


The overflow tank is great for keeping it topped up, but if you are super-low then you have to add it to the rad directly.

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