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High NOx, I can't pass emissions. HELP

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Hey everybody,


Took my 02 LGT to the emissions place here in CO and failed it. I'm completely stock outside of a K&N filter. My CAT, O2 sensor, and Check Engine Light passed, however I failed due to High NOx readings. I am in the process of installing new spark plugs and cleaning my EGR valve. Any other advice would be great! Thanks

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EGR cleaning should improve the situation, that's what it's there for. Just make sure that the EGR works as it should. Search this site for other posts regarding EGR and NOx.


NOx peaks actually because of high combustion temperatures, and that also occurs when you have ideal fuel/air mixture.

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I just pulled my spark plugs and 3 out of the 4 had oil on them. My #4 cylinder was the worse. Could the affect my spark plugs to the point that it would affect my Emissions Test? Also where is the oil coming from? Bad Valves? Bad Piston Rings? I need help bad!!!! Thanks
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It sounds like you need to do a lot of maintenance on your car, replace cat, check oil leak (does it consume much oil?) and since there was oil on most of the spark plugs it's possible that the turbo leaks, but how bad is another issue.


Oil leaks aren't good for the cat, so you should check that first.


I also suggest that you really take a look and see if you have an EGR valve or not, because it may exist on your car even though the Haynes doesn't specify that it's there. The Haynes manuals aren't covering every variant.

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02 LGT is a non-turbo charged motor so that'll eliminate that. I spent close to 2 hours of my morning looking for the EGR valve, before I even opened my Haynes manual. You can only look at an Intake Manifold so long. haha I plan to pull my exhaust off today, manifold to muffler, so hopefully I can cut all the rusted bolts holding my rock shields together. I will be checking momentarily for more advice, thanks again.
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