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Please welcome Sue,Barry and their Garnett Red LGT

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Going thro Brookfield and caught a Garnett Red LGT turning into a strip mall.


Caught up with the driver, turned out to be a very nice lady named Sue.


Informed her about the board and invited them to come on here and take a look and talked some LGT talk.


Her LGT was Garnett Red with autodim.


So i politely asked her if i could take a pic and post it here. She didnt mind but cuz of the darn sun and cold wind and my lousy camera phone the pics didnt turn out to be too good.


But here they are.

Hope they make it to this board.


Makes me wonder how many LGT owners out there who dont even know about this board?



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To bad you didn't get her to do the old Toyota jump and bend your knees photo.


ummm enlighten us o' mighty one????!!!!!:confused:


And PS i'm actually a scotch person but just tried this mango flavored rum from the folks at malibu and it's not bad. it surprised me since i'm not into fruity flavoured drinks...taste rating - 3 turbos!!!!

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