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Taking the LegacyGT.com sticker off the car.


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I am seriously considering doing this because of what that sticker represents.


I put it on to show support for this site.... for the people on it... and the owners of it...

I enjoyed the community that you all built here and appreciated the warm greetings you extended to me.

I learned a lot from each of you. We discussed on and off topic items which caused me to think and laugh. Sometimes I agreed... and sometimes I didn't.


However... more recently two things have begun to happen that are concerning me.

1.) The number of critical and (for lack of a better term) whiny posts on here. If everyone is so unhappy with the car or with Subaru... go buy a Honda or something. The helpful and informative threads are now few and far between.

2.) The overbearing nature of the moderators of the board. It is YOUR job to set the rules. However... if the rules are sketchy, you delete OUR posts. Ban US. Argue the issues that WE are not privy to. I am 34 years old. I can follow rules. You do not need to talk down to me directly or indirectly.


Please consider these points... before you delete this thread.... :rolleyes:


I haven't said anything up to this point, but I had to get this off my chest. It is my opinion, so take it for what it is worth....


I hope that maybe we can get this board back on track.


Sincerely.... a disheartened member...


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I am seriously considering doing this because of what that sticker represents.


I put it on to show support for this site.... for the people on it... and the owners of it...

I enjoyed the community that you all built here and appreciated the warm greetings you extended to me.

I learned a lot from each of you. We discussed on and off topic items which caused me to think and laugh. Sometimes I agreed... and sometimes I didn't.


However... more recently two things have begun to happen that are concerning me.

1.) The number of critical and (for lack of a better term) whiny posts on here. If everyone is so unhappy with the car or with Subaru... go buy a Honda or something. The helpful and informative threads are now few and far between.

2.) The overbearing nature of the moderators of the board. It is YOUR job to set the rules. However... if the rules are sketchy, you delete OUR posts. Ban US. Argue the issues that WE are not privy to. I am 34 years old. I can follow rules. You do not need to talk down to me directly or indirectly.


Please concider these posts... before you delete this thread.... :rolleyes:


I haven't said anything up to this point, but I had to get this off my chest. It is my opinion, so take it for what it is worth....


I hope that maybe we can get this board back on track.


Sincerely.... a disheartened member...



You need a hug bro....I feel ya.


But I would not take the sticker off because of the lack of informative threads is no reason to take it off. As the member numbers grow the entire process gets a little watered down. You know who gives ya the goods on this board and who doesn't.


As far as the #2...yes...things have gotten a little tense around here to say the least.

OBAMA......One Big Ass Mistake America!
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Steve Im sorry to hear that. I've tried to work things out with some members over the banning issue. The perverbial ball so to speak is in their court and I've given DM my personal AIM address to speed this up.


Helfrick, it is a bit growing pains, and alot of it is my fault for several reasons. There are thing I haven't done:


1) Been around. I've been away as well as Stef since probably November.

2) Set clear posting standards and explanations of what happens if they are consistantly broken.

3) Allowed the site to grow beyond the means of a small set of moderators who also were not around.


We're currently addressing these issues and have been over the past month. I understand the members make or break the site ultimately but on the other hand I simply can't let everyone run amuck. It sets a bad tone to new members.


I think a middle ground can easily be reached on many of these issues. I've set up new forums, made improvements to the software, and brought on new and helpful mods.

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I think a middle ground can easily be reached on many of these issues. I've set up new forums, made improvements to the software, and brought on new and helpful mods.


Not to mention instigating environmental improvement efforts that bring old mods out of the woodwork to lend a hand. Hang in there, McCorry. If this cranky old git can, I rather imagine that anyone can.


Members make the space, and we have some good ones. I think that everyone is learning here, both mods and members. Working together, we can get everything cool again.



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Compared to a lot of forums, and especially to newsgroups in the pre-web days (you're only 34 so you might not be ancient enough to remember when a 2400 baud modem was hot stuff, everything was text-based and local bbs's were the only game in town), I think this is still a pretty good site and forum. There's more sensible advice than testosterone-addled teenagers, and I've learned a lot by reading people's advice & experiences. The forums will only be as good as the people who post to them, so please stick around and keep reading & writing. Hey, any forum that has people who are proud to post pictures of a station wagon can't be all bad ;)
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why have a website sticker on your car anyway?


I stated the reasons above.... if you would read it.... :rolleyes:


I know guys...I just needed to vent. The way things have been progressing here has been troubling. Tide... I understand your prediciment, please don't think that I am targeting you. It is really the entire shift in atmosphere on this board that bothers me....

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ya I too belive there should be some rules about posting, there are so many topics that are already there but people dont bother searching! plus, If Im admin, I would remove general chat, alot of useless stuff goes there.

I know that ppl will argue that its a forum and thats what forums are all about, but I look at legacygt.com as a car forum, there are so many websites that ppl chat there, I really wish this is not one of them.


lets try to keep the forum useful and about cars exclusively.

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I agree with point #1, but not on point #2. I don't think enough is being done around here to keep posts on topic, and of a car related nature.


We are now posting reminders in threads when we see them going OT. I think that because we have a lot of people on this forum that have got to know each other pretty well it's sometimes easy to go OT in a thread without really meaning to disrupt it. I know I've done this in the past. The last 3 weeks to a month is not indicative of the the future here at LegacyGT.com.


Also, If any member thinks I'm out of line in anything I do here then please PM me.




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We are now posting reminders in threads when we see them going OT. I think that because we have a lot of people on this forum that have got to know each other pretty well it's sometimes easy to go OT in a thread without really meaning to disrupt it. I know I've done this in the past. The last 3 weeks to a month is not indicative of the the future here at LegacyGT.com.


Also, If any member thinks I'm out of line in anything I do here then please PM me.





Please PM me with any feedback as well. I'd appreciate it a ton.


More than any other board I've participated in/on, I wish for this one to be a growing and healthy forum where Subaru (and comparatives) views, experiences and questions can be exchanged. These cars are what we drive, and this is where I want to spend my free time, when I'm not working on them.


This site is like any 1 year old baby. It has to crawl a little, flip over every now and then and squawl, attemp to stand up, fall down, until it finally gets its legs under it. From there it'll grow stronger, learn to make better/faster decisions by trial and error and listen to feedback.


We're just going through some growth pains so hang on while we bang our knees and bumble into each other. Just remember, tomorrow waits for no one, yesterday is already gone and today is all you've got so do good things


And I hope that by "overbearing nature of the moderators of the board" you mean our collective efforts to scan the posts to make sure that they're in the right forum and leave a short explanation when we relocate them. The Admin sets the rules, we do our level best to make sure they are applied fairly and appropriately.


I've never thought of myself as overbearing, long-winded yes, so again, any feedback is appreciated.


Good night all,



- Pro amore Dei et patriam et populum -
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Hold on wait..did I miss something? Who band Drift Monkey?? If that happend..that is a deffinate shame.


Who do I need to PM to voice my concern about that?




There's a thread on it. We can't talk about it though because those posts will be deleted. To sum it up, he was banned for one week after being on probation and violating that probation, people tried to get him unbanned, and his ban got exteneded to 1 month because of how people were acting (and maybe DM under another screen name). Look up the thread though, it shouldn't be discussed in this thread.


Just stating facts here. No response needed, move along. :)

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