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See What Happens to Greedy F1 People


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All I'm saying is he cancelled the Canadian GP because he could make more money elsewhere. Now he's going to lose half of everything he has. Poetic justice, if you ask me.


Remember that the next time you have an opportunity to make more money.:confused:

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Ecclestone is so greedy, he cancelled the Canadian GP. Now he'll have to pay big time.

No more USA, now no more Canada. Obviously Bahrain and Malaysia are more important places. I also heard that the British GP will not be run at Silverstone anymore.

F1 is so revolting, almost makes me want to follow NASCAR.

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No more USA, now no more Canada. Obviously Bahrain and Malaysia are more important places. I also heard that the British GP will not be run at Silverstone anymore.

F1 is so revolting, almost makes me want to follow NASCAR.


The British GP is switching to Donnington as they are prepared to pay more for the "honour" of hosting the race.


The sooner someone with an interest in the sport, rather than just money, takes control the better.


The manufacturers are none too happy, with canceling the Canadian GP they lost their exposure to the biggest market for their products. Nice move Bernie :rolleyes:

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