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Attn: JDM 20mm rear sway bar owners! Potential safety issue!


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Yeah, no kidding! Sucks for me since the handling was SO awesome after I installed them. The sad part is I didn't even get particularly carried away driving the canyon road; same speed as usual enjoying the much flatter cornering. Anyhow, time to load up the car and head over to the gf's place and degrease my bar. I'm hoping that does the trick.
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makes me wonder why nobody else has had this problem, -- i greased the hell out of my bar, and have gotten some crazy body roll at the autox events... I might have to look for marks on my bar or brake lines to see if contact has been made.
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Well, I degreased everything with Simple Green and got the same result. My test road at 30mph was fine. Took at 40, heard a nice "bang" in one corner and the pedal was nice and mushy again. At any rate, I'm gonna put the stocker back in and bleed my brakes. HOPEFULLY I didn't FUBAR my caliper.
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