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Atrocity on the Highway: Leggy has been injured!

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So yesterday I was driving along on I95 toward Providence when some fool loses a mattress and a box-springs off of the back of his pickup and they go flying into the middle of the highway! :eek: The F-350 in front of me SLAMS into the box-springs which is mostly wood and the thing explodes sending fragments of wood everywhere.


A fragment or two hit my car puncturing the front bumper in two spots and giving the radiator a good knock as well. The radiator isn't leaking but it has some mashed fins and one of the brackets with the rubber plug is popped out of the hole it should be in and the bracket is bent. I'll put some pictures up tonight if I have time.


So I'll have to call my insurance today and file a claim. Luckily no injuries and no serious damage but still... :spin:

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Yeah... were you able to get the info on the dumb-ass driver who didn't secure his load? IMO, he should be picking up the tab on this.


Glad to hear no one got hurt... witnessed an accident yesterday on I-10 where an SUV doing +75mph lost control and rolled 5 times.

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I'm extremely grateful that the truck took the brunt of the impact. Hitting a big mass of wood at 70mph is on the list of things that my leggy should never ever be a part of. :p


Unfortunately no info on the driver that dropped them. At first I was focused on braking to avoid hitting the F-350 that slammed on his brakes, and then avoiding other cars that were swerving all over the place. After I was clear of the frenzy I was slowing down and listening for any sounds that weren't normal and making sure the car wasn't pulling to either side. I was worried that a fragment might have caught my tire.


I saw the truck that dropped them out of the corner of my eye right before I went past the nearest exit. I was almost to my friend's house so I kept going the last 5 minutes to his house and then found the bumper damage and bent radiator bracket.

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Too many persons transporting things are doing outright stupid things when they load their vehicles.


Probably they don't even think about what will happen or think that they can drive as they normally do. It's like their mind goes blank about what they carry when they go behind the wheel.


Securing load is two things - avoid that the load slides off or get caught by wind and even more important - make sure that it doesn't slide when you have to brake hard. Hurting or killing yourself is the least concern, but hurting or killing someone else is outright stupid.

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Consider yourself lucky. A very good friend of mine was killed some years back in Vermont when he swerved his Porsche to miss a mattress on a road in Vermont.:mad:
"Belief does not make truth. Evidence makes truth. And belief does not make evidence."
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Just think the owner of an F-350 is posting a story about how he got to run over a box spring and mattress set, and how cool it was to demolish them.


f350 owner probably doesn't know how to use a computer :lol:



glad to hear you're ok!! Any Updates??

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That's really true. On a motorcycle that would have sucked... I did hit a block of styrofoam with my motorcycle once, but that was no big deal except the shock for my friends when there was styrofoam pieces flying in all directions.


Just see this as a lesson to be safe and strap down your cargo even if it's lightweight or worthless.

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