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Keyless Entry


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So I am trying to figure out exactly what is involved in the key immobilizer. I bought one of the newer tribeca keys and verified that it does indeed work (the keyless portion at least) with my 2005 LGT. Inside of the case, there is a small magnetic block, and I assume this is what holds the immobilizer code? Can anyone verify this. I am asking because i plan to make a small custom machined aluminum setup for the keyless/key combo (switchblade style) on the CNC setup in my lab, and I want to make sure I make room for the neccesary components.


Also, how is the key immobilizer setup in the car? Is there a certain signature in that metal block (it seems to be a magnet, though I dont see how this could hold the code), that is then programmed into the cars computer at the dealer? Or is the code in the metal block modified to work with the car (i.e. do you program the car, or the keyblock).

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