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New SLC guy here!


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Hey there guys. I finally get to join the crowd. I didn't want to post anything till I was sure I was getting a Legacy. I've been lurking for a few months and then I finally registerd last week and then I bought the car today. So I guess I can come out of the closet now, eh? lol


Anyway, I'm Anthony. I'm out in Taylorsville actually, but its all the same valley I guess. I'm a hard core detailing fanatic, so if any of you are in need of some polishing then let me know. I have a few detailing events per year and even a car show in the fall that I would love to see some of you guys at. I'll keep ya posted. See you around!


“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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That is the one. See if any of these pictures look familiar. We've done it two years in a row now. Its a show for clean cars. The mods and money in the car don't matter. There was a brand new STi at the one a couple years ago that was clean, but not as clean as a couple cars that were 4 years older. This year will be even better than the last two. We've attracted some local attention and should have some good stuff going on.


“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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Sweet! Yeah, I remember you guys. Your cars were awesome. It was a tough call on some of them. We couldn't let a brand new car win though. The judging was based on clean and a new car obviously has an advantage there. This last year we did it even more differently. We let the people walking through do the judging. It was a lot better I think. The one you guys came to sort of went a little longer than I would have liked it to go.


Hopefully it wasn't a terrible event for you guys. That blue S2K was amazing. Is the yellow S2K yours? It was a tough choice between the Legacy and an S2K. Logic won out in the end and I got the sedan, but I want one of those really bad. You guys had some great looking cars. Hopefully you'll come out again this year. We usually do it in the fall as sort of the last show of the season.


“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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Guest JessterCPA

Should we start a detailing forum? There are so many questions I have. I am real afraid to harm my paint, so I never do anything more than a basic wash & wax. Interior never seems to get all that clean. Help in these matters from people like you guys would be real cool.


Welcome to the board!



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I've asked if we could do that but there seems to be people who are against it. I would love to have a detailing forum here. I know I'd be participating. Maybe the reason it hasn't gone so well in the past is because of the lack of knowledgable detailers on the board. Who knows...


Hey, if worse comes to worse then you can always go over to www.detailcity.com That is the board I hang out on the most now. I'm Jngrbrdman over there. OCDetails.com is the name of my website with detailing guides and articles on it. I am a sponsor over there and have my own forum, so feel free to post whatever you want. You can post them here or PM me too. I'm always happy to help when it comes to detailing. :)


“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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