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Warranty question


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Instead of going back to the dealership and asking them about the warranty, I figured I was better off posting it here first. If I want to get...oh say... an up-pipe, a down pipe, a blow off valve an a the ecu flash... will that void a warranty? Is there any way to get around that if it does?
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I would say that it depends on the service dept.; some are mod-friendly and some will document the addition of any non-subaru part.


The BOV and ECU will definitlety void the warranty. Suspension, wheels, and exhaust mods usually don't void warranties. Again, you'll need to ask around for mod-friendly dealers. Dealers that sell SPT parts may be worth visiting.


...my $0.02

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For a warrantyto be void they need to prove that a problem was caused by the aftermarket parts. Some reflash units claim to be undetectable by Subaru diagnostics equipment so as long as you set it back to stock and don,t tell the dealer you have done it it doesn't exist. A cat back exaust is fine but going up further then that gets a little risky, but is not likley to cause problems. The blow out valve is pointless because the stock one is 100% recirulating but if you want to do it for the bling factior, it should be fine.


As with most cars look for a mod freindly dealer, I am sure that plenty of people on this board can help you with one down in Florida. I am thinking of doing the same mods in the somewhat nere future but am not sure yet.

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