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Legacy GT on TV!

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Hey all,


I am in Ontario Canada, last Saturday (Jan. 29), at around 10-10:30pm EST, I was at a bar and I looked up on the TV where there was some horse jumping on, all of a sudden the guy gets off the horse and into a silver LGT and starts tearing around the dirt section of the horse track(!). This was repeated for every horse jumper, semed like they would do a lap over the jumps on the horse, then a lap in the car around the track...I have no idea what it was about as there was no sound and I want really watching, but I figure it was a promo thing. The car (which was prob an auto) looked pretty sweet rippin up the dirt tho :)


Just wanted to know if anyone else caught that and what it was....

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Yup, it was the Subaru Celebrity Ride N' Drive on TSN in Canada.


They drove an automatic silver LGT.

I thought the car looked great on TV.


Next, Dog Jumping N' Drive.

Ahh someone else saw it. Nice, at least I know I'm not insane now...well maybe I dont :)


Yeah the LGT looked great, they had it tinted out (i think) and nothing but subie commercials in between...


I see ads for it in every mag and all major canadian newspapers, theyre prob not selling so well...ahh well all the better for our stealthness :)


If you see a listing for the horse or dog :lol: show again lemme know..

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