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Parking Boot Saga


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Hilarity on VWVortex.


Guy gets a parking boots attached to his car, parked in front of his house, due to stupid HOA policy.



Guy puts car on dollies and rolls it into his garage.



Parking people come by, stare at spot where car was, while guy walks past them on the way to/from his mailbox.



Guy calls parking people, invites them to come get their boots.



Parking people show up, and they brought a cop, said the guy stole their boots.

Guy invites parking people to take their boots.

Cop tells parking people that there is no theft happening here.





And then I got tired of reading.

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Yep - sure are! Now it's worldwide!


I can't help wonder how long it will take until someone gets a complete rage and starts shooting.


Or maybe it's a revival of fender skirts - more extreme than these:


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One of the greatest reads ever!

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Too much BS in that thread, and honestly I did not find it hilarious, just a little funny.


The ones from NASIOC OT where they pwned the Mercedes Benz guy was funny!



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Similar issue happend here in Boulder, CO about a month ago.


Buddy of mine owns a restaurant downtown. His delivery guy was parked behind the restatuarant, on their property. Colorado Security Services stop by and boot the car, saying it is parked in the neighbors lot, which they patrol. In reality, maybe about 2-4" of the bumper was hanging over into the neighbors lot.... which is a vacant building at the moment.


Delivery guy sees boot, gets restaurant owner. Restaurant owner gets bolt cutters to remove boot. Rent-a-cops show up as he is trying to remove boot and declare themselves officers of the peace (official name for cops) and threaten all those outside with arrest.


So my buddy is out there, his mom, his mom's companion, and a few other restaurant employees. At some point, the rent-a-cop guy in charge shows up.


Lots of words are exchanged and the restaurant owner and a rent-a-cop tase each other.


After the tasers are fired, the rent a cops pull real guns and threaten everypne. At one point, my buddies mom was begging the rent-a-cop shoot her and not her son.


real cops show up and cart away the restaurant owner. He had all charges dropped last week. Rent-a-cops look like real big assholes.



News article that seems to favor teh rent-a-cops: http://www.coloradodaily.com/news/2008/may/19/tased-accounts-differ-widely-first-headline-all/


another: http://www.dailycamera.com/news/2008/may/19/taser-incident-man-says-guard-menaced-mother/



followup article after charges were dropped. DA says whole thing was dumb: http://www.dailycamera.com/news/2008/jun/17/charges-dismissed-hill-taser-case/

(Updated 8/22/17)

2005 Outback FMT

Running on Electrons

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I just heard that he was acquitted yesterday (from Nick).


I agree with the DA that the whole thing was dumb. While I think the Rent-a-cops were morons, so was Harvey. All he had to do was call the real cops to begin with and have those goons arrested for impersonating a Police Officer. Done and done.

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Wow, I'm pretty sure if I found a boot on my car not placed by the actual city/government, I would call the police to report vandalism or anything else I could come up with. If that didn't do it, I'm pretty sure I'd be mailing it back to them in whatever pieces I cut it off into. "You stole our private property" "You gave it to me."
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It's a US thing. ;):p


They would be mall security, parking enforcement (like this story has), or anyone that is not actually a public service police person but is paid hourly to "act like" one. :)

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