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Nova Members I Need Your Help!!!!


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Attention all nova members, I am 06 spec .b #42 You may have seen me I always agnowlegde fellow legacy/subaru owners, anyway I have a dilema. I blew all my dough on an invidia dp, and hks silent hipower which I LOVE. However I am running without any ecu tunning nameley ap v2 stg 2. Now I work for a remodoling company that pays me for setting up aptnmnts. for in home estamates for windows/siding/roofing/gutters/trim ect. Anyways I need an accesport. If any of you could help a fellow legacy owner out and have a dude come over and tell you how much to replace any of the above for 30/45 minutes it would be greatley appreciated, and go toward my ap fund. Pm me your info so I can set it up if your interested. THANKYOU. P.S My company is the shit and if you are actually in the market for any of the above I will make sure they hook you up as I am very tight with the sales manager.
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I have a 46 window house in Oakton, VA. Do you guys do roofs? Oh and I was also looking for siding and trim work. I am ready to buy. I'll pm you my info. Oh and can you make sure that you call me ahead of time, I just want to make sure my wife is there so we can agree on samples.



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