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Clear the plastic on the map light?


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I just installed some LEDs in my map light and they work great. However, the plastic looks clouded and blocks some of the light. Is it possible to clear the plastic so i get a nice bright white light shining through?
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can't you take out the plastic piece that isn't clear? i don't remember seeing that it was necessary to cut anything unless i'm thinking of something different. i tried taking the gray piece off but there's no way to put the clear lens back on so that it'll stay. I went back to stock after trying leds for a few days though.
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I put LEDS in my map lights but noticed there kinda tucked up and off to the side so all the light doesnt shine right through the lens. I used some wire (the leads off a resistor) and soldered a wire to each LED, then to where the lights are held in place. I then bent the wires so the light shines directly through the lens. I think it made a big improvement.


I also know what your talkin about with the lens and how its kinda cloudy looking. I took some fine sandpaper and got it to look somewhat clearer but I dont think it made any difference.

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This is what I was talkin about. This guy is awesome.




honestly, who thinks of these things, this guy is a damned genius...i think thats what I may just do, haha!!!! pure genius!!!

I've Crashed My ROFLChopper into a LOLCanOhttp://legacygt.com/forums/image.php?type=sigpic&userid=16939&dateline=1230531251
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