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Wheel size for an autoxer?


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Hi everyone!


I know there is an official wheels and tires subforum, but I wanted to ask those of you that actually autox... What size wheel do you run? And why?


I'm planning on running in STU and I'm currently waffling between 17" and 18". I'm not sure if I should be considering 16".



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I run 17s. I believe it is a good compromise between wheel weight/side-wall height, etc.


Look at this sticky where Xenonk, auto-crosser extraordinaire, has several tips on wheel/tire size for a variety of activities including autox:



Thanks Hutch. I had actually seen that thread, but hadn't bothered to read down into where xononk expounded more on wheel size.


Watching him and the Lock brothers' videos were one of the things that inspired me to buy a Legacy :)



Heh, course, even after I've read that thread I'm still waffling. :lol:

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