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Strange sounds. Any ideas?

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Alright guys, I've got a few quick questions about my car I was hoping you could answer:


1. About a month ago, I went through some very deeply flooded roads where I live when a massive rain storm hit. I'm talking like a good 6 inches up the door sill at least, and I probably got the front into two feet of water at one point (that one I decided to back out of, lol.) Anyway, I know you're supposed to lube the suspension after you do something like that, but I kind of put it off. About a month ago, the front suspension started squeaking. I finally brought it to Subaru the other day asking them to grease it up for me, but they came back and told me that it wasn't the shocks, but the lower control-arm bushings that were worn. In other words, they told me it wasn't a $20 lube, but like a $100 or something replacement job, to which I kindly refused. However, I really have trouble believing that it's not the shocks. Maybe it is, but the noise is SO loud to be coming from a bushing. [ame=http://youtube.com/watch?v=C-LGvK_SshY]I took a video[/ame] with my cellphone placed a few feet from the car and then with it placed right under the front left tire as I rocked the car via the roof rack. Do you guys really think that's the bushings? Maybe it is, but we had this problem once before (also after some water travels) and a quick grease job solved it.


2. Another sound comes from the steering wheel. It happens primarily when I turn the wheel to the left, and it sounds like the sound the titanic made when it sank in the movie (loud creaking noise.) [ame=http://youtube.com/watch?v=IeeLUjQZpYE]I took a video[/ame] of this one too. The sound is fairly loud, but the video makes it sound a lot softer. Any thoughts?


3. Recently, the power steering pump (at least I think that's what's doing it) has been acting VERY oddly. After I've driven the car for a while - SOMETIMES - usually around an hour, the power steering pump starts to make a whining noise. It sounds exactly like a power steering pump without fluid, but the thing is, it has plenty of fluid. The odd thing is that I don't lose power steering at all. In fact, were it not for the noise, I'd think everything was fine. It's barely noticeable at first, but if I keep driving, it can get to the point of being VERY embarrasingly loud. Now, here's the strange part. It ONLY happens when the engine is being revved. If I turn the wheel either while im moving, or while I'm stopped with my foot off the gas, there is no sound. However, if I rev the engine while sitting, or am accelerating while turning (say, at an intersection) that's when it makes the noise - very loudly. I don't know what it could be, and am curious if you have any ideas. Unfortunately I do not have a video for this one.


4. Has anyone else experienced that strange gurgling/springy sound from the front wipers as they settle back down? This also happens after they've been on for a while. It makes a very odd sound and I'm curious if anyone else knows what that is. No other ill effects though.


5. This is completely OT, but as I was uploading these videos from my phone, I thought I'd upload [ame=http://youtube.com/watch?v=agQmyrqmrtE]this one too[/ame]. I managed to parallel park in a spot no more than two-three feet longer than my car in a simple back, forth, back, forth motion and ended up 3" from the curb. No crazy maneuvers. I don't think I could do that again if I tried! Lol.

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Well, it's not the main belt, I know that. It was replaced maybe 20,000 miles ago. There is no cracking or anything on it. The best way to describe the noise is it sounds exactly like the excavator right outside my dorm room right now. Like the noises they make when they're digging around and using the hydraulics.
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i have a 2006 wagon and mine makes the same sound. The dealer totally blew me off even though i have less than 22000 miles. i also have a pretty bad clunk comming from the struts up front when i hit manhole covers and small pot holes. I have a love-hate relationship with my car since stuff keeps making noise.
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i have a 2006 wagon and mine makes the same sound. The dealer totally blew me off even though i have less than 22000 miles. i also have a pretty bad clunk comming from the struts up front when i hit manhole covers and small pot holes. I have a love-hate relationship with my car since stuff keeps making noise.


Yeah. I tend to go to the mechanic around the street back home, rather than to an actual dealership. They really, REALLY try to take advantage of you at the Subaru dealerships I've been to.

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