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MTBing This Weekend Anyone?


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Weather update - it's not supposed to rain for the rest of the week so the weekend is looking better. It'll be nippy tho, with highs in the mid-50s. Saturday afternoon looks good for me. Let me know if you want to meet up. I'm going to round up some other guys from work as well. Northshore seems like the best bet. I'd like to hit Cleburne but I don't know if I'll have time for the round trip.
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I hate you. It's currently -30ºC in calgary and all I can do is stare at my bike torn apart in the garage. Waiting for my new goodrich brake lines to come in and doing the normal winter re-build. Can't wait to get back to the mountains.
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ONLY -30C? Quit whining and get out there!!!:) Seriously, it turned out I didn't get to go after all. I had shifter cable problems that will be fixed today. Now to really make you jealous - it's going to warm up enough this week that I'll be able to ride AT NIGHT...
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Don't worry, I console myself by knowing that I live within driving distance of the greatest mountain biking on earth...North Shore Vancouver, Whistler bike park and all of the various Alberta/BC rockies and ski hills. Besides, I just got back from 2 days of snowboarding.
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