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Since we are complaining so much... my rant

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My only complaint is that the designer decided to put the shiny metal emergency brake release button inside a shiny metal ring without some sort of resistance to it, so when you hit a pothole the button does not make a tingy, ting, ting.


Also, is it me or do the posts in the general forum seem a bit... how can I say this.... dry and boring? (not that this one does anything to improve the situation) Lets see some flavor...humor even.


I suppose once more parts come out for this car we will see more interesting posts.




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Hmm, haven't noticed that problem. Perhaps my spring holds my button a bit tighter?


Yeah, this part of the forum can get a bit dry at times, check out General Chat if you want entertainment. :)

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Also, is it me or do the posts in the general forum seem a bit... how can I say this.... dry and boring? (not that this one does anything to improve the situation) Lets see some flavor...humor even.

Yeah, I try to keep the humor in the OT area of the forum. Check there for less "dryness." ;)
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What about whining, bitching, anc complaining? ;)


Neer had that problem with my e-brake handle. Just wish they mounted it a little more inward from the driver position as it can tend to rub the driver the wrong way being as far left as it is.

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What about whining, bitching, anc complaining? ;)


Neer had that problem with my e-brake handle. Just wish they mounted it a little more inward from the driver position as it can tend to rub the driver the wrong way being as far left as it is.


You know you like it....

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man, perhaps I have a legitamate complaint then. Perhaps it should be tighter than mine...


I think I will take it in.


I think you do. Have them take a look next time you go in.

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