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going uphill

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im not sure if its just me, but my legacy sucks going up a hill. say im sitting at the middle or top of the hill, waiting for the light to turn green, i always find my throttle response to be a bit slow.


and im not sure if its just me or someone in front of me (theres always someone in front of me), but i get this smell coming in my car. not sure if somethings going on in the engine or not (like a burning smell).


ill try to do some practice runs on my own on some hills, but just wondering if anyone else had the same problem.

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im not sure if its just me...


It's just you... :lol:


It could be your imagination or the car in front of you but you might also be experiencing the much rumored "clutch stink". Are you driving a manual?


Anyway, check out the thread ...


If it is the clutch stink it'll probably go away in time. You could always try one of those scented pine tree fresheners.

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I still have yet to get the clutch stink on my car but I've been really easy on the clutch since I've gotten her although I could see why it would smell going up a hill stopped midway as most cars with a stick would get some smell.
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thanks for the link jaycee. i think it is this clutch stink. never had it on my civic (manual of course), but now i got some kind of answer. though it sucks that im not getting immediate response on my throttle going up hill (manual). it takes awhile to engage, and some others in the thread said the same thing.
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