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Noob Q about 95 Legacy Altnernator changing out of


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Hi all, I am helping my friend maintain his 95 Legacy 2WD 4-Door. The car died a couple days ago and we put a new battery in it and it ran like a champ. Well this morning he said the car died again. So it must be the alternator.


So I have never changed out an alternator, what are some tips I should follow?

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Its pretty straight forward, unhook the battery and the two leads on the altinator, pull off the belt guard if there is still one on the car. pull the bolt out for the tentioner (tentioner is on the left front of the altinator when your looking at it, you have to pull out the little bolt that goes into the altinator the long one is your tention adjustment), then just pull out the long bolt on the other side (there is a nut with a lock on the back side) then pull it out, might need to pry it a little they fit snug. that should do it
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Another noob question...


It died in a parking lot and I want to get it back to my friend's house. If I let it sit for a few hours, will it make it back to my friend's house when we restart it? It's approx. a 5 mile drive.

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Drive there in a car with a good working alternator, when you get there swap the batteries between the cars. Use the car with good battery and bad alt to jumps tart car with bad battery and good alt. You should get 5 miles just fine, just make sure you have things like lights, amp, etc off.
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We too k the battery out and charged it at an autozone. We got drove it home and I put a new alternator in today.


I was super sketchy though because I just tightened it back down and made sure the belt was taut. It runs great and didnt make any weird noise so I am going to knock on wood and say mission accomplished. I am a little concerned because I didnt mark where the adjustment was before.

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