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I just bought a ProSport boost guage and I cannot decide where to put it. I really would like to shy away from the cubby, because I keep my cell phones and other things in there. I would also like to shy away from putting holes in anything (I.E. the dash). Just wondering what creative ideas are out there. Thanks for any input!
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I'm in the process of stuffing my Prosport boost gauge in the cubby as well. I've already got my cubby and vents pulled out of my car and will be mocking up a "gauge cover". It is a snug fit in the cubby - actually too snug, as the cubby actually has to expand a bit for the gauge to fit in it. The gauge cover is to give it a nice clean look, and prevent anything placed next to the gauge to slide in behind it.


I'm also in the process of making the illumination "inverter" circuit - http://www.graphics.cornell.edu/~v/dimmer/ . I tried to find the illumination (a.k.a parking) light wire and the dimmer (a.k.a. illumination -) in the clock wiring harness - it isn't there. :( I'll probably grap the illumination signal off of either the radio harness, or the hazzard button light.




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I have an omori boost gauge mounted on my steering column, its only 45mm so it doesn't really get in the way. I really like the prosport gauge but its 52mm and I wouldn't have anywhere to put it. My cubby is filled with the OEM Navi unit, so the steering column is the only spot.
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