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Choosing a salesman, any rules of etiquet?


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1. I bet he can influence the deal

2.Hey its all fair in love war and when dealing with stealers.

3. I could do it after we've had a preliminary talk about numbers and then go for the test drive


I see your point but i feel bad for sales folks who are at the frontlines and get screwed while the manager/owner get to pocket the good chunk of the profit.

wow, i never realized how many people have no clue how dealerships work. :(


the salesperson really doesn't have much say in the price of the vehicle. both the sales manager and the finance officer have more say in what price is what. The sales person is there to answer questions or help you out if you need something. if you find a good salesperson, make sure you go back to them and have them help you. as a salesperson myself, i hate when people waste my time. most of those guys work on commission only. they are there to speak your case. they want you to get the sale, so they want you to buy the car. it doesn't matter how much they sell the car (try and jack you on price) if they don't get the car. No sale = no commission.


how would you like it if someone came to your place of employment, bombard you with questions or issues, spend an hour or more of your time, you do as much or answer as many of their questions as possible then you see them come back and buy from someone else? hmm.....


it's important to play by the golden rule. treat a salesperson with respect and they will do likewise. HOWEVER, if you get a bad salesperson, then you let them know and go see someone else. i actually ENJOY buying cars because as a salesperson, it's fun for me. maybe i'm sick like that, but usually I'm the one doing the price negotiations, finance rates, etc. everything is usually negotiable.


Right now, since our next vehicle purchase has been planned for a long time, we signed up for a membership with the American Canoe Association. We qualify for the VIP pricing program (2% under invoice) and any new Subaru vehicle we purchase will give the organization $150. we get a great deal and the organization also gets something for their troubles. Car was ordered in January and should arrive in April. We've already gone in and talked to the bank to get preapproved but we may be able to get better financing through SOA. Once we get the VIN, we will sit down with the Finance manager again.


if the dealer has a lease or fleet department, i highly recommend starting there. they look to sell by volume and not just on price. ;) this will be vehicle #8 purchased by me since 1998. As soon as they release the 08 STI hatch photos, i will decide my next vehicle....

Wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle yeah!!!
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Just remember that if you want a good experience, it's up to you. Know your stuff before you walk into the dealer -- specifically what you want, what you want to pay, and what you would pay. Do the research on the car. When I bought my Spec B, I knew more about the car than any dealer I met with.


Then, and this is very important, don't be adversarial. Just don't. The good dealers that I visited, including the one that got my business treated our negatiations like a partnership. That was great. They wanted to sell the car....I wanted to buy it. We worked together toward that goal. If you go into the dealer with this attitude, you'll know immediately if you get it in return. And if you don't, you go somewhere else.


Finally, if you know exactly what you want, I'd suggest contacting a bunch of dealers over the web. That's what I did, and it led to very positive negotiations, and an overall great experience.


Best of luck!

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