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Hit a bump, transmission not working, automatic


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Hi, I'm a DSM guy myself but my sis is having trouble with her car so I figured youguys could help me out,


My sister has a 91 Subaru Legacy with an automatic transmission


It was in perfect running order with no known problems earlier today


From what I can gather, she backed over a sizable mound of shattered asphalt.


After this she managed to get maybe 200 feet up the road before her transmission stopped working. It feels like it's just not engaging at all. I don't know anything about automatic transmissions so I'm sorta stumped. What could she have damaged/knocked loose? She said it sounded like she hit a curb or something when she hit the mound.


Basically I'm trying to see if this is something simple I can pull apart and fix or if she is going to have to spend a bunch of money on a mechanic.


Thanks in advance guys.

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+1 on the linkage. Dont know until you crawl up under there and look.


then take her keys away. awe be damned if she would drive my car.


keep us advised.


How old is she anyways?


Sorry I didn't mean to start a war which mainly forum people is all about ;).
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she's 18, she's not a particlularly talented driver, but in her defense it was in the dark in the middle of some "neighborhood" that never heard of lights or sidewalks.


we ended up having it towed to a mechanic (I figured it'd be beyond the scope of my talents) who had a look and said it's something internal. Rather than pay the guy $400+ just to pull it out and have a look to see if he Might be able to fix it, she's just going to get one from japan w/ 30k on it. (the car's got about 220k) The transmission guy quoted her at like $1200 for the tranny + install. She's checking around though because her boyfriend's uncle owns a shop or something so she may be able to get it all for significantly cheaper.


and no, she doesn't drive my car either, even though it still qualifies as a big pile of crap (I'm not sure anybody else could hobble her down the road like i've learned to haha)


thanks guys

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