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Trouble removing the handbrake cover?


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Has anyone else had problems removing the handbrake cover on the Outback? I've read the service manual and some of the relevant posts, and apparently it's supposed to just pull straight up. The rear clips come off fine, but it feels like the front of the cover is locked in place. I'm a little reluctant to just yank on it! Just wondering if there is a trick to it...
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I don't know how different the OB is than the GT, but I had to pull it off to fix a buzz in the plastic trim around the shifter. There's not really a trick to it, but yes: you WILL have to yank on it pretty hard. On my GT the back clip came off pretty easy, but the two in front of it took some more work. Just start at the back clip and work forward, doing one at a time. Also you could try pressing down gently on the center console where the clip attaches, while pulling up on the handbrake cover. I think this helped me on the middle one. One recommendation though: wear mechanics gloves, or some kind of gloves when your trying to take any of the plastic trim off in this car. Each plastic piece has some metal object hiding underneath. I compeletly f*cked my hands up get the center console out.
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