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Ordering stuff online

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So after a year hiatus doing anything to my car, I decided to buy a couple parts with some gift cards I had laying around that had odd balances. I decided to buy a cheap boost gauge and a high-flow air filter. I had a boost gauge long ago but eventually took it out because the needle wouldnt rest at 0 anymore (autometer sportcomp mechanical).. and I had a K&N but got turned off to K&N in general because of the oil.


So I picked my purchases out, did a little research and end up buying an AVO panel filter from rallitek.com and a prosport premium electronic boost gauge from prosportgauges.com. Couldn't find a vendor who stocked both unfortunately.


Rallitek had no mention on their site about the AVO not being in stock and the prosportgauges site said they would be getting new stock today (10-4). I get an email from rallitek saying the filter wont ship for 1-2 weeks :confused: and I send prosport an email asking when the gauge will ship and they tell me there was a delay from the factory so it should ship sometime next week :confused:.


This is only a light-hearted rant, im not really in any rush to get either installed so its not a big deal... I just wish companies with websites would do more to keep buyers correctly informed of there stock status. And yes, I did PM rallitek about the filter (not directly asking if it was in stock, but a general purchase question) and never got something back from them (only 2 days though).


Ah well... Im a victim of instant gratification that this world has become.. if I dont see something I ordered shipped same or next day, it really bugs me out! haha :lol:

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^^^Bigggant...whtf? You are all over this board!!! Good man.


Worth the wait for the AVO. When I bot mine it was instaock so it dodn't tak that long....patience is a virtue.

Rehab is for quitters.
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