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Blacktop Fun

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Since we're all family here, I don't mind sharing this with you... I was in a parking lot last night and noticed the blacktop was just a little moist. "Ah, perfect for getting the rear end out a bit," I think to myself. Well, I'm leaving the parking lot and pulling into the main part to go out, hit the gas, and instantly get some oversteer. I let off the gas and now I'm spinning (note to self, DON'T LET OFF THE THROTTLE!). The road was somewhat narrow, so instead of trying to correct and make it worse, I just let myself spin to a stop (you know when you can tell where you're going to stop?). In all, I did a 360 degree spinout in a 2 lane road - no curbs on either side, but posts on the left and a street light on the right in grass. I can only imagine what the car that had to stop to wait for me to stop spinning was thinking... :eek: I'm suprise my wife didn't kick my ass though, she just kinda laughed about it (she must have thought I was in control). So, yeah, it was DEFINATELY stupid, but I learned a bit, and that's what matters, right?
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"when in a spin, put two feet in" (clutch and brake).. IF there was oncoming traffic, your car will spin in a straight line once you put your clutch and brake in.. it will be easier for other people predict where you are spinning off to. As for lifting the throttle, don't lift so fast, the torque will transfer to the rear and it will make it worse.. be smooth about throttle and steering control, but still fast enough that the car can keep up with your input. Keefe
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That's exactly what I did (clutch and brake). Something that I learned growing up with my dad's 1980 F150 in Michigan. :) I can imagine that it would be really bad for you to stall while in a spin. Let alone having to start again to get out of the way of maybe oncoming traffic once you stop. If I would have stayed on the gas, or maybe just let up a bit and countersteered, would have I been okay?
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Guest *Jedimaster*
You're soooo much better off pulling of your stunts when nobody is around- then you can duplicate them for watchers on.
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