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Charlene's 1st Big Cleaning

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I claybared today. Boy was that fun. I had never polished before, but I figured Id give it a try. Not sure if it really helped me or not. I then waxed. Ive never cleaned this thorough. I hope I did it right.




Definately feels smoother, but I cant decided if it actually looks any better than it did.


My arsenal. BTW, how does one properly clean those foam pads?





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Eh, inferior products. Your work could combined with better products would have yielded synergistic results.


Claying removes impurities giving a cleaner feel and look. Won't brighten it up so much as just clean the paint of contaminents.


Polishing with nearly any product by hand will only do so little. A machine is able to really let the polish and pad chosen do the work. By hand you can take out only minor paint imperfections. However, your paint looks very well kept and clean. Perhaps all you are looking for!?



Then turtle wax for the final stage is a nice way to finish. However, dependent on your expectations and devotion, you are skipping many steps. Polishing is commonly done in several stages and/or applications. Like sanding from a low grit to a higher grit.. making large, deeper scratches into medium, not so deep scratches into hardly noticeable scratches so fine the nake eye cannot tell.


Wax is just a topper. Before waxing it is good to seal in all your work. So that could be why your results may not impress you all that much. Be sure it looks great!




To clean foam pads... a tooth brush and some warm soapy water. Pads are only good for so much use, though.

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Pepboys really limited my options. My buddy was telling me about the different grits you can get, but turtlewax was all they had. They also didn't have any 12 inch applicator bonnets for my oscialtor. Lame. Though I did buff with it when I was all said and done. Not sure if I like using that thing or not.


My paints is so-so. I got the car at age 6, and the sides are a mess. The hood has some clear coat cancer, but todays work seems to have taken care of it. HOOORAY!


I normally use Meguiars wax, but Im kinda tired of it and I had some turtle so I figured I give that a go. I liked it okay. All in all, I think it was a good start. Maybe its bad lighting, but I was just looking at it and it really does look less faded.


Thanks for the tips.

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