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2,962 miles over three weeks

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Whew. That was more miles than I anticipated. Nearly three thousand miles through California, Oregon, Idaho, and Nevada. Single day max, 594.7 miles from the Sawtooth National Recreational Area to Lake Tahoe. Average mpg for all 3,000 miles = 25.8. Totally finished off my tires.


Unfortunately I also bent a wheel. :mad: Slow moving SUV in front of me swerved at the last second to avoid a big rock. :eek: I was preparing to pass and was too close to avoid it. No blow-out, but a slight flat spot on the rim. Bummer. Anyone selling a stock wheel?


Visited Lassen, Hells Canyon (took a rafting trip), Sawtooth Range, and Tahoe. Awesome. Took about 1,000 photos. Now I've got to sort them.



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Post some pictures when you can. Sounds like a fun trip. Sorry about the bent rim. I'd be interested to see at least a picture from Lassen, as I climbed it when I was like 7 or 8, but haven't been back there since.


Nice gas mileage too!

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Two weeks ago My fiancee and I drove from Milwaukee, WI to Morrison, CO, then up to Breckenridge. On the return trip I was feeling daring, so I did the whole 1100 mile, 18 hour drive from Breckenridge back to Milwaukee in one sitting, only stopping for fuel. My brain broke somewhere in the middle of Iowa. I think my average mpg was 24.6.
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On the return trip I was feeling daring, so I did the whole 1100 mile, 18 hour drive from Breckenridge back to Milwaukee in one sitting, only stopping for fuel. My brain broke somewhere in the middle of Iowa.


Damn! I was geting hypnotized starting somewhere in northern Nevada. I don't think I could have done nearly double the distance without hallucinating!


Of course, it might help if the roads had some sort of [ame=http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Winnemucca,+Humboldt,+Nevada,+United+States&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=45.332616,71.71875&ie=UTF8&cd=1&ll=42.514626,-117.778931&spn=1.326034,2.241211&z=9&om=1]bends[/ame] in them.... Those long straight stretches of highewy 95 shown on the map are just that long and straight in reality. The road just disappears into the desert haze.


I'll post some photos when I've managed to sort them out. There are nearly 1,300 of them!



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Nice mileage.


Last week, on my drive from North Carolina to Calgary, Alberta, my average economy over 2800 miles was just 19.8 mpg. Granted, I drove anywhere from 50-110, depending on the circumstances. But, it doesnt sound like you were putting along either.


I wasnt too concerned, but now I am only averaging 20.4 mpg for my first 200 miles driving around Calgary. I was hoping to average at least 24 mpg longterm.

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I was little surprised at the good mileage I got. A lot of that was straight line highway driving with the cruise control set at about 75 mph. I wasn't hesitating about flooring it to pass slow(er) moving vehicles though. And up in the mountains there were plenty of twisties which I carved up at 8/10ths or more - and took the last 3/32nds off my tires.
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