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Perrin Down Pipe on Borla CBE


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Hi guys, how's it going? I'm in a little bit of an unusual situation, I have two cat back exhausts. I currently have a borla catback exhaust mounted on my car. Yesterday I picked up an perrin down pipe, autospeed up pipe and perrin catback exhaust from 2simpletons(Abe) off the forum. Great seller by the way. I just wanted to know if anyone knew if the perrin downpipe would mount up to the borla catback. I haven't gotten under my car yet to look, I've been at work all day but figured I would ask someone on here. If it did would I be better off going perrin catback or borla catback with the perrin down pipe? Which ever CBE I don't go with I will sell.


Also Abe was kind enough to give me his map that he got from getting his access port custom tuned for the same year and altitude as my ride. He had the exact same exhaust as me, but I'm still not sure if it would be safe to even try loading his map when I get access port because no ecu is the same. I also recently had my original ecu replaced because of the faulty cooling fan relay. I'm not sure if subaru gave me a new model year computer, or a corrected version of the 05 computer. I'm trying to be as safe as possible about getting my legacy set up. Feel free to chime in on either of these two issues, I would love to hear your opinions.

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